Friday, February 20, 2009

childrite seat

we have been wanting one for a while now, but couldn't afford it. milo's wonderful, awesome, super, spectacular grandparents*, mémé and papa (jesse's mom and dad), have bought him one and it is on it's way! we can't wait! so.... thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you mémé and papa! love you guys! pictures to come once it arrives.

*don't worry other are all equally
wonderful, awesome, super and spectacular...and we appreciate all of you. :)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

so sick of being tired and oh so tired of being sick

well, i'm not sick, but milo has been sick for going on three weeks...and now jesse has some sort of stomach bug, so i am definitely tired.

i had a birthday last week, i am 29 years old more year until the big 3-0. usually for my birthday i go out to the bars with my friends, have some drinks, usually too many drinks, and feel awful the whole next day...but that didn't really feel like it fit this year, so, i decided that i wanted to go the the aquarium, and then out to dinner. we had a really good time. milo loved the aquarium, he was really very interested in his surroundings while we were there, and so well behaved...there was not even one fussy moment the whole time we were there, it was wonderful.

as far as milo's sickness, i really cannot seem to figure out what is going on with him. he started to have cold symptoms towards he end of january, everything cleared up within a week except for nasal congestion and a very runny nose, we took him to the doctor and they thought maybe it was a sinus infection, so he went on antibiotics. during the cold, and then sinus infection he was very pukey, but milo tends to throw up quite a bit anyway and its always way worse when he is sick, so i wasn't too concerned, also he was on antibiotics which can cause an upset the antibiotics ended on friday, the runny nose was gone, but the vomiting was worse than ever, to the point that he was not keeping anything down. so now i WAS concerned about the vomiting. he had no fever and no signs of dehydration, even though he wasn't keeping much down, so on sunday i called the on call nurse who told me to give pedialite by tube until he is holding it down for several consecutive hours, then try formula, in small doses. he did a little better with holding down pedialite, but then when i tried formula again the vomiting resumed....and i had called the doctor's office first thing monday morning but they couldn't get us in until anyway, by tuesday i was a nervous wreck, milo had barely eaten for days (milo is primarily tube fed so when i say eaten i mean by tube), so i decided to go to the e.r., just in case.

the e.r, was busy, and we were there forever, and it sucked....we got there at about noon, and went home at about 11 pm. they took some x-rays of his tummy to make sure his tube was okay and there was not blockages anywhere. the x-rays came back okay, so, they decided it was probably a stomach flu, probably the same thing jesse has,.....then we stayed all day to experiment with his feedings...and how many ml/hr he could tolerate. so right now until this passes he is not getting his normal daytime bolus feeds, but instead a 24 hr continuous feed of 30ml/hr. he is keeping most of it down so far, and we will re-evaluate everything at his doctors appointment on friday.

one thing i am kind of wondering is if maybe we should have gotten the nissan wrap when milo got his g-tube, because vomiting is such an issue with milo, even when he isn't sick. if anyone has any advice about nissan wraps and vomiting i would love to hear it.
